Sunday, October 2, 2011

Turkish Grilled Vegetables - A Great Side Dish

Grilled fresh vegetables make a mouthwatering side dish and you can whether grill them and serve them as they are, or with some butter, or make an international side dish by adding some typical ingredients to your grilled vegetables recipe to match anyone flavor you want.

If you are serving vegetarians you can even serve this as an entree, maybe with some tofu or portobello mushrooms on the side, to make it into a faultless meal. Obviously you will have to duplicate or triple the recipe if you are feeding a amount of vegetarians.

Refrigerator Side By Side

Adding International Flavors to Grilled Vegetables

If you want to give your dish a Mexican flavor you can add some lime juice and cumin and maybe a slight chili powder. For an Italian twist try some basic and sun-dried tomatoes. For Chinese inspired grilled fresh veggies you cannot go wrong with some soy sauce and maybe a slight ginger too.

What about trying Turkish grilled vegetables? You can serve the slices of zucchini and eggplant on burger buns to make a organery burger for vegetarians or you can serve the lemon and herb flavored slices as a side dish. Adding a couple of simple ingredients to grilled fresh veggies transforms them into something super extra and you can make a gourmand side dish by following the following recipe.

Lemon and herbs are typical flavors of Turkey and the olive oil and black pepper are often used in Turkish recipes. Eggplant is a beloved ingredient and you can pair it with zucchini to mix up the flavors and add some variety of color as well. You can also use dissimilar vegetables if you like, such as mushrooms or bell peppers. The simple Turkish flavors go with any vegetable you can think of.

This serves four citizen as a side dish and the cool yogurt dressing goes fantastically with them. You can use a store-bought tzatziki or yogurt sauce if you prefer but the homemade sauce is especially flavorful. Use half a minced clove of fresh garlic instead of the garlic flakes if you prefer. Also, you can use all zucchini or all eggplant rather than half and half.

What you will need:

1 zucchini 1 eggplant 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon black pepper Juice from a lemon Salt

For the yogurt sauce:

2 tablespoons fresh snipped chives 1 cup Greek yogurt 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon garlic flakes 1 tablespoon olive oil Black pepper

How to make it:

Slice the washed veggies into half inch rounds and put them on a cutting board. Salt both sides and let them sit for ten minutes, then rinse them and pat them dry using paper towels. Whisk the oil, spices, and lemon juice and brush this combination over the vegetables.

Grill them for about eight minutes over a slowly hot grill, turning them once. Take them off the heat when they are nearly done because they get softer as they sit. Stir the sauce ingredients together and serve the sauce with the Turkish vegetables.

Turkish Grilled Vegetables - A Great Side Dish

french door refrigerator

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